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Borrow My Brain Session

Ever had a marketing question and needed a quick answer so you could move forward?

I frequently get asked how I would communicate a message or build a marketing strategy for a business or brand. So I’ve opened up my calendar 1-day a month to host Borrow My Brain sessions.

For a discounted rate you get 50 minutes to ask me anything. From Marketing Strategy to Website messaging. Email campaigns to Social Media planning.

Schedule your Borrow My Brain Session now ā€“ for just $197.

Ryan Holck Headshot

How To Schedule a Session

  1. Pick a Date and Time
  2. Fill out the form so we come ready to help you
  3. Submit your payment using the link
  4. Come ready to get answers

What are Potential Topics?

  • Marketing Strategy
  • Website Messaging
  • Email Campaign ideas
  • Social Media Planning